Monday, May 29, 2006
"Jack who at the age of three didn't understand that he is actually a "kid" . At night to tuck him in I would always ask him who my little bunny was. Sometimes he'd raise his hand in a "me" gesture...but oftentimes he would whisper back.."me".
One day he got it into his head that when he turned into a KID he would get to go to school.
I asked him then but then who is going to be my bunny?
He replied Mommy I will go to school and leave you but I will always come back. And I will still love you :)"
i copied from someelses blog
i find that super sweet
kids.. u'll never know wat they'll come up with
"Yes we have ants. Tiny wee things that crawl up through microscopic holes in our house and take to roaming around our kitchen when the weather gets warm. These tiny beings are looked upon as nasty invaders to our home by my children and not to be associated with in any way as friends or neighbors like the cute squirrels and birds outside.
The first time Jack ( aged 2 1/2) ever spied them it was a major incident for him. He shouted out at the top of his lungs to save me. MOMMY!!! THERE'S AN ANT ON THE FLOOR!!! Since then he's taken it upon himself to be the resident ant smasher and pesky ant within his range are sure to be squished.
Spiders he leaves for the adults.
Once when spying one close to his favorite hiding place beside the couch...he called me to get it. Of course I'm not exactly fond of the critters myself. Ants are one thing. Spiders even ones the size of a lady bug another.
Still I grabbed a wad of toilet paper and headed over to the window where I heard Jack conversing with the intruder. He was saying in a conversational tone...My Mommy is going to mash you...
Oh to be two again and have complete confidence in your Mommy that she will come and be your saviour no matter what!"
thats wat the bible meant by childlike faith!
my Daddy in heaven's gonna mash u man!
all u devils out there!
Rocked Out @
Monday, May 29, 2006
Halo effect refers to the cognitive bias in which the assessment of an individual quality serves to influence and bias the judgment of other qualities. Said another way, a person who is good at “X” is often deemed to be good at “Y” even if the two items are not related. Attractive people are often judged as having a more desirable personality and more skills than someone of average appearance. Celebrities are used to endorse products that they have no expertise in evaluating.
so actually no matter how good you are
people will still judge u by your looks
Rocked Out @
Saturday, May 27, 2006
she : how can i tell you i'm hurting when i don want you to be say? how am i to weigh the words i say when my thoughts are too heavy? how am i to speak of my tears when i want them silent? how much are u willing to listen when my words will scratch your heart? how much am i willing to tell knowing my words bite?
i mean ur already hurting me
so why not just get over and done with man
just shoot !
its even worse to die a slow death!
but i'm gonna stand on the promise of God !
cuz the bible says "..that all things work together for the good for those who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose."
i really hope everything works out well..
i just want her to be happy
Rocked Out @
Saturday, May 27, 2006
i'm not sure if its still in the trend to blog or wat
but u know.. i need some place where no one knows me.. and just say what i've gotta say.
love's sucha mysterious thing.. it can lift u up as high as u can imagine urself to be
it can totally just make ur day
it can make u feel as if nothing else matter
it definitely can make u feel like ur superman
but the strange thing about love is that its not just all of that
its way much more
u know..
it can just destroy u if not used properly..
she doesnt want me to be there
i love her. i know i do..
but becuz i'm part of the reason y she's torn.
i cant be there.
i'll only hurt her if i do
she says that i'm hurting her
i don want to
u know?
i wished she knew
Rocked Out @