this is my hundredth post. its kinda amazing it'd last so long. cuz my prev blog only had a few entries.
today i went to my nanny's house and my sister(my nanny's daughter), passed to me a CD that contained the information i saved on her computer during my stay there.
well it was kinda sad to read thru. really really sad. like i feel like i'm going thru the same old shit that i had to face then.
and it really really really does hurt even now. stuff that someone said to me. stuff that i was really really into. i seriously hope that i've grown outta it. i don't seem to have though. i dunno why or i dunno how!
it really does suck cuz....
i really dunno why it suck.
i cant even come up with a reason why it still hurts.
i keep telling myself that its gonna be over. but i never seem to see the end of the ordeal.
but i'm gonna keep telling myself.
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
its gonna be over
.. ..hopefully.
Rocked Out @
Sunday, February 18, 2007
sometimes i feel super left out.
gotta exercise more soon.
CNY is tiring.
Taboo tonight.
Someday I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me, Where troubles melt like lemon drops. Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Rocked Out @
Saturday, February 17, 2007
well .. yes i do housework okie!
just that i don like doing them. (who in the world likes them anyway? .. your maid?)
i just watched "the butterfly effect" again! its so super nice. i think i really like films that gotta do with sci-fi. maybe not E.T. or what not.
but more to time travel. and mysteries. and blahs.
its so interesting to think about even though i know that i NEVER get to a conclusion.
i've got a alot of films(2 to be precise) i downloaded(just kidding) that i have not watched yet(this is true).
tonight for reunion dinner we're gonna have my dad's company people over. got a few angmors(who're gay) and a vietnamese(gay also..) and a few singaporeans(i should think they're straight).
it totally redefines the meaning of reunion dinner. LOL. not that i don like it. there's nothing not to like! steam boat. meat. dinner. ALL GOOD.
Rocked Out @
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
yesterday i figured that i wanted to run. so i did..
like 400m. LOL. DON LAUGH! i never run since after like seconday school. so its like.. 6 years back?
and then after like ONLY 400m, my visions started caving in and it gets a lil scary. haha.
so i sat down at a bus stop, then i rested then walked back home. and when i reached my block, i FIGURED too, that i'd run the stairs to make up for slack in running.
haha. i ran to like 10 stories. then . yeah.. no breath. hahahahahaha.
walked to 12 floor. walked down to 7 floor. IT WAS CRAZY! my thighs are like aching. until now!!!
so today i went home early. cuz i finished statistic test early! then i waited for grace to call. to tell me the address for the tennis game.
so cool huh.
anyway, stupid cabby took me to the wrong condo and claim that there's no such place as Buongkok Drive. seesh.. then i walked, UNDER THE HOT SUN( i secretly hope the uncle will happen to read this post), then i figured(i use this word too often, i figured it out myself, save you the trouble from telling me) that i'd take a cab. damn it. the cab fare cost like 2.50 cuz its like around the corner only la!!
anyway, played tennis. SUPER TIRING SPORT. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED. but i think the most tiring part's not the running to hit the ball but rather running to pick up the balls. it really gets on you after like.. 30 mins.
gallery always never fail to remind me a valerie. seeesh.. i wonder what they have in common............
P.S: yisheng/mel if yer reading this. i'll pay for the donnie darko late payment thingy. sorry huh!
Rocked Out @
Monday, February 12, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
anyone wanna date me for valentines? lol.
ever since i moved here. i saw like 5 or 6 funerals la! under my block!
in like a few months. thats crazy!!! haha. and right.. there're alot of people who owe ah long money! hahaha.
since i move here right.. got like 3 "O$P$" "posters"!!
what a screwed block.
anyone think i should ask val out for valentines? i think i will not. cuz like surely wont approve one wat!@$@# aiyah.. anyway.. maybe i'll just get something for her to start it off la. hahaha.
today in school, teacher ask us to write the first paragraph of a letter that makes people wanna read on. its about sales of any product la. so me wayne and kuang came up with this. oh ya. we need to use a fable or parable into that paragragh. so ours went like.. "Huff and a puff, and i'll blow your house down!!" but the house didnt fall. did you ever wonder why the third pig's house did not fall? because it used Pig's Brick!"
yeah pretty cheesy.
i think this is one of the worst post ever. its SO BORING. cuz i've got nothing to write about. lol.
Rocked Out @
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
okie, class ended like super early. i reached at 10 we finished school by.. 11 30?
cuz ms how didnt come today! you know days like this. if you don come to school. you'll feel super wasted la. cuz like only ONE period only and can go home early then like that ONE DP la!!! BUTBUTBUT.. on the other hand. if you go. its like.. uuurrrgghh~! 1 period.. waste time right!@$@# my train ride to school and back is longer then the time spent in school!!
yeah so. me wayne jiting and jinggang went to watch babel.
before that we won some people who challenged us at pool. me and wayne. they should have won la. but we won. and the most important thing is that WE WON!!
babel, means confusion. i think! cuz when the bible talks about the tower of babel, its when people wanted to raise to heaven. so they started building a tower, Babel. then God knows that men can really do it if they put their minds to it. so He decides to put a stop to it and make everyone speak in different language. AND so there was confusion. so the tower cannot be completed.
yeah so the show was nothing about the tower.
.. .. ..
okie. its about a series of unfortunate events linking together.
its rather sad. i love the scenes. and its painful to watch. but yet at the same time so ..
NO.. Lol. technically its not ALOT you know. only like 13 awards world wide what....... i'd have to give it a 4/5 rating. its a little draggy.. and wayne and his friends kept talking and so i didnt have the previllage about thinking thru the film.
MRT rides are starting to get rather interesting.
Rocked Out @
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Saturday, February 03, 2007
yer 5 feet 2, and your tummy is fat. you might be taller if you just lay on your back.
Rocked Out @
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
today i took the train at like 7 20. or so.
when i alight. i walked normally to school. saw meichiew.