Monday, December 24, 2007
what i want for christmas?
i dose of lily allen!!! HAHA.
i like how she sticks out her tongue discreetly.
Rocked Out @
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
i have a new theory.
please note that its just a theory(dont go all hostile with me).
the other day i was watching national geography.
some documentary about how there is or isnt life outside this planet called earth.
and then they made a very good point about how because earth's so young, there is no doubt that other planets which are older could have evolved earlier and better than us! and we are not frequently visited by them because we're a young planet, therefore of no importance to them.
for example, we wouldnt care about an ant that's crawling around the patch of grass infront of your house.
but sometimes, we create small houses that contain poisonous food inside to lure the ants to eat it and then die.
is anyone getting me?
i was thinking. maybe some joker(alien) decided to create something for us to believe in! like the idea of God! you see, because of the alien's intelligence, they are able to create something thats beyond what we can imagine.
maybe some would say "oh then how do you explain all the miracles that has happened?"
couldnt it be the work of the aliens created this whole "myth"?
"oh and what about the bible and how it explains almost everything?"
again, couldnt it be the work of the aliens?
then again the aliens didnt say anything about themselves in the bible. is it something they wanna hide?
the bible did talk about aliens but they used it to describe other people from other regions(i think so).
but then again (again) you cannot deny that there must be a God or an alien or something that created this universe. and also that God or alien or that something couldnt just have existed. how did he or it came in the first place?
okay. anyway.
i watched the golden compass the other day! my friends said there was some bad reviews about the show in the newspaper. but then i find it okay la! i really like those shows that portray an entirely new world! like harry potter and lord of the rings! its so cool. oh and pokemon!! hahahaha. if i were living in the world of the golden compass, i'd like to have a white tiger demon!! so so cool. if i were living in the world of harry potter, i think i wanna be.. a unicorn! and if i were to be in the world of lord of the rings. i wanna be a white wizard!
i have the urge to watch "the pianist"!
and i wanna watch music and lyrics! anyone has the dvd!?
okay buhbye now!
Rocked Out @
Saturday, December 08, 2007